My work across three decades has been centred in intercultural communication, whether as a writer, teacher or tutor. Our family interest in sailing, used as a metaphor, helps introduce my key points of focus – a global view of the ‘high seas’, with a social view of semiotic discourse, and a personal view of navigating human life. My focus and motivation in academic writing, TESOL teaching and tutoring is the learning and personal support of tertiary students.



Language TEACHER

Learning TUTOR

with three perspectives


the high seas - murray wylie

the high seas


signs in language - murray wylie

signs in language


personal humanity - murray wylie

navigating life

working in three areas


Reading and writing? Much more is required of today’s global citizens – including the need to be digital citizens, with a broad set of literacies – intercultural, technical, environmental!

New and revised English language and training courses for the higher education, ELICOS and VET sectors are required to meet this need for global literacy.


Signs – the power of language! Beyond the meaning of our words are their sign value in society – which can lead to favourable acceptance or severe condemnation.

Because the language of signs, from advertising to politics, crosses all boundaries, socio-semiotics is a frontier science – and language teaching is taking this into account.


Dealing with stress! Learning support!

Late modern pressures are elevating the need for new strategies.

Being human, itself, requires proactive agency, and navigating modern life is such that all students, whether displaced or indigenous, require access to support with a relationship-counselling component.